girl getting treatment

Toothaches are a common, if painful, childhood occurrence. In fact, there are various causes for an aching tooth in kids, and they’re mostly harmless. But if the pain is accompanied by temperature sensitivity, or if it is due to a broken tooth where the pulp is exposed, pulp therapy might be necessary to save it.

Though there might be a common notion that decay or damage in baby teeth doesn’t matter much (since they’ll fall out anyway), our pediatric dentists in Salt Lake City believe that saving as much of a child’s baby teeth as possible helps prevent dental health issues in the future. One way to achieve this is through restorative procedures like pulp therapy.

Pulp therapy, also known as a pulpectomy or endodontic treatment, comes in two forms, depending on the level of tooth decay: vital and non-vital pulp therapy.

Vital Pulp Therapy

Vital pulp therapy is done if decay has only reached the nerve. The procedure removes the exposed nerve from the crown, then fills the cavity with a composite to protect the remaining nerve tissue. Our dentists will place a dental crown on the tooth to protect it.

Non-Vital Pulp Therapy

If the pulp is beyond saving, non-vital pulp therapy (or a root canal) is performed instead. We will remove all the pulp from within the tooth, clean it, and fill the inside with a special material. A dental crown is placed on the tooth for protection, with a choice between stainless steel and resin, depending on where the tooth is located.
Learn more about pulp therapy and our other dental services for kids in Utah by contacting us today.